J Korean Acad Women Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Women Health Nurs > Volume 5(1); 1999 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of Women's Health Nursing 1999;5(1):89-105.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4069/kjwhn.1999.5.1.89   
A Study on the Relationship between the Present Physical Symptom Distress and Experience of Sanhujori, the Traditional Postpartal Care in Korea: Centered on Women of arthritis
Young-Mi Chong1, Eun-Kwang Yoo2
1Nurse, ChongJu SungMo Hospital, Chongju, Korea
2Professor, Hanyang University, Women's Health Nursing Department, Seoul, Korea
This correlational descriptive study sought to define the relationship between the experience of Sanhujori, Korean tradition non-professional postpartal care after delivery and abortion and present physical symptom distress of arthritis female who visited to outpatient clinic of rheumatic internal medicine at three hospital located in Seoul, Pusan, Chongju, Korea. Data from a convenience sample of 98 women who orally agreed to be respondent were collected from September 1, 1998 to October 31, 1998 for two months by way of interview with semi-structured questionnaire. Data analysis consisted of frequency, percentage, mean, S. D., Pearson Correlation Coefficient, t-test, ANOVA and Scheffe test as a post hoc by SPSS. The results of the study were as follows ; Mean age of participants as 52.8 years and mean number of children 3.3. Mean frequency of child birth was 3.1 times per woman, 67.4% of respondents had menopause, 57.0% did not have Sunhujori after abortion. The health status implies the subjective health status women perceived, which came from the three points of view of the present, comparative with other of same age and changed after delivery. The respondents of 76.1% perceived them as unhealthy and the main sites of physical symptom distress were upper & lower extremities including knee and hand 34.8%, shoulder 26.5%, waist 22.4%. Women perceived the etiology of the arthritis as 'did Sanhujori wrongly' 36.7%, 'aging process' 24.5%, 'stress' 16.3%, 'overwork' 15.3%, 'Immunocompromize' & 'physical constitution' 7.1% respectively, 'character' 3.1%, 'genetic' 2.0%, 'malnutrition' 1.0%. The mean period of Sanhujori after delivery was 20.4 at the first child and 18.1 at the second child. The higher frequency of child birth, the shorter period of Sanhujori. For the subjective evaluation of whether the women did Sanhujori well or not, the rate of 'did Sanhujori well' was the highest rank in the first child and the rate of 'did not particularly Sanhujori well' was the highest rank in the last child. There was a significant positive correlation between physical function disability and rheumatoid arthritis symptom at the level of 1% of significance statistically(r=.406). And a positive correlation between physical function disability and Sanhubyung symptom at the level of 5% of significance statistically(r=.224). There was a significant positive correlation among rheumatoid arthritis symptom, Sanhubyung symptom and menopause symptom at the level of 1%-5% of significance statistically. Most of all, the correlation between Sanhubyung symptom and menopause symptom was the higher than others. There was a negative correlation between the present physical symptom distress and experience of Sanhujori(r=.-130), however it was not significant statistically. However, there was a positive correlation between subjective health status and experience of Sanhujori at the level of 1% of significance statistically(r=.328). In conclusion, this finding reconfirmed the positive relationship between the perceived health status and experience of Sanhujori after delivery among women of arthritis. It provides a challenge to the professional care givers to study further on the effects of Sanhuiori after abortion or delivery on the physical symptom distress from the variouis aspects through the cross-sectional and longitudinal research. The strategy for the development of the appropriate intervention for primary prevention of sequele after childbirth and quality of care for desirable health outcomes for postpartal women with considering deeply on the relationship between women's health and postapartal care.

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