Effects of Artemisia A. Smoke(Ssukjahun) on Menstrual Distress, Dysmenorrhea, and Prostaglandin F2alpha |
Kwang Ok Lee, Sue Kim, Soon Bok Chang, Ji Soo Yoo |
1College of Nursing, Seoul University, Seoul, Korea. 2College of Nursing, Nursing Policy Research Institute, Yonsei University, Korea. Suekim@yuhs.ac.kr 3College of Nursing, Yonsei University, Korea. |
Abstract |
PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to identify effects of Artemisia A. Smoke(Ssukjahun) on primary dysmenorrhea.
METHOD: This study was a pretestposttest design with a nonequivalent control group. Data were collected from May 1, 2007 to May 27, 2008. A total of 40 women with dysmenorrhea participated in the study. Among them, 20 women were assigned to an experimental group and the other 20 to a control group. Artemisia A. Smoke(Ssukjahun) was provided daily for 4 days, starting 7 days prior to next expected menses in the experimental group. The instruments used in this study included MDQ (Moos' Menstrual Distress Questionnaire) by Kim (1995), Visual Analogue Scale by Keele (1948), and PGF2alpha by urine.
RESULT: The results of this study are as follows; The experimental group was lower than the control group in the degree of menstrual distress (t=5.25, p=0.000), intensity of dysmenorrhea (t=7.71, p=0.000), and prostaglandin F2alpha levels (t=4.56, p=0.000). CONCLUSION Artemisia A. Smoke (Ssukjahun) was proved as an effective nursing intervention to reduce dysmenorrhea in young women. Its convenience and accessibility may make it a useful intervention in nursing practice and education. |
Key Words:
Nursing intervention; Menstrual distress; Dysmenorrhea; Prostaglandin F2alpha |