Korean J Women Health Nurs Search


Korean J Women Health Nurs > Volume 10(3); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing 2004;10(3):218-225.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4069/kjwhn.2004.10.3.218   
A Study on the Stage of Change in Exercise Behaviors, Exercise Self Efficacy, Depression and Stress in Middle Aged Women
Yun Mi Lee, Hyoung Sook Park
1Inje University, Korea. lym312@inje.ac.kr
2Pusan National University, Korea.
The study was performed to identify exercise self-efficacy, depression, and stress by the stage of change in exercise behavior in middle aged women. METHOD: The subjects consisted of 317 women residing in B city by convenience sampling. The collected data was analyzed by the SPSS/WIN program. RESULT: The subjects were distributed in each stage of exercise behavior change: There were 53 subjects in the pre-contemplation stage, 86 subjects in the contemplation stage, 88 subjects in the preparation stage, 51 subjects in the action stage and 39 subjects in the maintenance stage. Analysis of variance showed that exercise self-efficacy (F=39.9, p< .001), depression (F=5.58, p< .001), and stress (F=6.33, p< .001) were significantly associated with the stages of exercise behavior change. There was a significant negative correlation between the stage of change and depression, and the stage of change and stress, but a significant positive correlation between the stage of change and self- efficacy, depression and stress. CONCLUSION: This study identified that exercise self-efficacy, depression and stress were significant variables to explain a possible relationship with exercise stages of middle aged women. This study provides new information to influence the development of better health promotion and exercise intervention for middle aged women in the community.
Key Words: Stage of change; Exercise behaviors; Self efficacy; Depression; Stress; Middle aged women

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